Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How to How-to #3 - Hallelujah, another video!

My goal this week(ish) was to learn how to cut a video in multiple places to shrink it to my desired length. Alas, I did not quite manage that. What I did learn was that speeding a video up to 4x normal speed turns it into a manageable size without deleting everything off of my phone. (It also makes the original soundtrack sound like angry mice, which is a nice element of levity in an otherwise stressful process.) I changed the speed using iMovie on my laptop and then emailed the shortened video to myself, saved it on my phone, and made audio revisions on Splice before uploading it to YouTube. 

I actually think I understand the theory behind making multiple cuts now, but implementing that theory is a more laborious process than I had time for before I had to pick up my children. I'm curious what you all think about the trade offs between a cut versus a speeded up video. I think both could potentially undermine the ability of the video to actually demonstrate the details of what to do, but I also realize that what I'm demonstrating isn't exactly Braiding 101. The viewer would already need to have mastered some basic skills before attempting this and might, therefore, not need as detailed of instruction.

Also, I think the speeded-up version is kinda mesmerizing to watch.

I think I will attempt a cut video of a zig-zag braid for my next stage, and then I can compare the two styles and decide which I like better.
Zig-Zag Braid

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